

Для всех важных данных, содержащихся в этой книге, мы привели ссылку на научный источник (или научные источники), откуда мы их почерпнули.

Вы сможете без труда найти оригиналы документов, на основе которых мы написали эту книгу.

Мы часто использовали доклад Всемирного фонда исследования рака (WCRF) «Пища, питание, физическая активность и профилактика рака в глобальной перспективе» (World Research Cancer Fund (WCRF) appel? Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective) (2007).

Каждый раз, когда мы не соглашались с его выводами (это было в редких случаях), мы это указывали. Нам была очень полезна информация, предоставленная Французским агентством по санитарной безопасности продуктов питания (AFSSA). Эта организация замечательно работает, обеспечивая качество продуктов, которые мы едим.

Значительную помощь мы получили от Генеральной дирекции по конкуренции, потреблению и борьбе со злоупотреблениями (DGCCRF), Генеральной дирекции здравоохранения (DGS), департаментального управления по санитарным и социальным вопросам (DDASS) и Французского национального института по надзору за общественным здоровьем (InVs).

Сайты этих организаций представляют большой интерес и бывают полны релевантной информации.

Мы очень часто для наглядности приводили округленные количественные данные, чтобы не затруднять ваше восприятие, вынуждая читать знаки после запятой.

Глава 1

Рак: выбор профилактики

{1} Curado M. P., Edwards B., Shin H. R., Storm H., Ferlay M., Boyle P. (?ds), Cancer Incidence in Five Continents, vol. IX, IARC Scientific Publication, n° 160.

{2} Ibid.

{3} Ibid.

{4} InVs, Bulletin ?pid?miologique hebdomadaire de l’InVS, 27 novembre 2007, n° 46–47. Disponible sur: http://www.invs.sante.fr/beh/2007/ 46_47/index.htm (consult? le 29 mars 2010).

{5} InVs, Projections de l’incidence et de la mortalit? par cancer en France, 2009. Disponible sur: http://www.invs.sante.fr/applications/ cancers/projections2009/donnees_generales.htm (consult? le 29 mars 2010).

{6} INCA, Analyse ?conomique des co?ts du cancer en France, 2007. Disponible sur: http://www.e-cancer.fr/l-institut-national-du-cancer/ publications-de-l-inca/rap-ports-et-expertises/sante-publique (consult? le 29 mars 2010).

{7} Ibid.

{8} Curado M. P., Edwards B., Shin H. R., Storm H., Ferlay M., Boyle P. (?ds), Cancer Incidence in Five Continents, op. cit.

{9} Vani Y. A., Schneider S. M., «Alimentation et cancer: quelles ?vidences, quelles recommandations?», Oncologie, 2009, 11, p. 191–199.

{10} Acad?mie des sciences, Les Causes du cancer en France. Disponible sur: http://www.academie-sciences.fr/publications/rapports/pdf/ cancer_13_09_07.pdf (consult? le 29 mars 2010).

{11} Khayat D., Les Chemins de l’espoir, Paris, Odile Jacob, 2003.

{12} Milner J. A., «Nutrition and cancer: Essential elements for a roadmap», Cancer Letters, 269, p. 189–198.

{13} Jauzein F., Cros N., Diff?rents Types d’?tudes ?pid?miologiques, 2005. Disponible sur: http://acces.inrp.fr/acces/ressources/sante/epidemiologie/ niveau_-preuve/types_etudes_epidem (consult? le 29 mars 2010).

{14} Milner J. A., «Nutrition and cancer: Essential elements for a roadmap», op. cit.

Глава 2

Что такое рак?

{1} World Cancer research Fund, Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective, Washington (DC), AICR, 2007.

{2} Ibid.

{3} Lampe J. W., «Diet, genetic polymorphism, detoxification, and health risk», Altern. Ther Health Med, 2007, 13 p. S. 108–111.

{4} World Cancer Research Fund, Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective, op. cit.

{5} Ibid.

Глава 3

Рыба: здоровая пища или опасность?

{1} Liperoti R., Landi F., Fusco O., Bernabei R., Onder G., «Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and depression: A review of the evidence», Curr. Pharm. Des., 2009, 15 (36), p. 4165–4172.

{2} AFSSA, Gras ou pas gras mon poisson? 2009. Disponible sur: http://www.afssa.fr/Poisson/Documents/AFSSA-Fi-Poisson-F9.pdf (consult? le 29 mars 2010).

{3} Fondation Nicolas Hulot pour la Nature et l’Homme, Quels poissons consommer? 2008. Fiche consommateur D?fi pour la Terre, p. 1–5. Disponible sur: www.defipourlaterre.org/outiIs/dwnIoadOutils. php?id=45 (consult? le 08 mars 2010).

{4} World Cancer Research Fund, Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective, op. cit.

{5} Leblanc J.-C. (?d.), Etude Calipso. Consommations alimentaires de poissons et produits de la mer et impr?gnation aux ?l?ments traces, polluants et om?ga-3, AFSSA-Inra, 2006.

{6} WHO-ICPS, Environmental Health Criteria 101, methylmercury. Geneva: International Programme on Chemical Safety, 1990. Disponible sur: http://www.inchem.org/documents/ehc/ehc/ehc101.htm (consult? le 08 mars 2010).

{7} Direction g?n?rale de la sant?, Etude sur la teneur en m?taux dans l’alimentation, Paris, La Diagonale des m?taux, 1992.

{8} Centre international de recherche sur le cancer, Evaluations globales de la canc?rog?nicit? pour l’homme. Disponible sur: http:// monographs.iarc.fr/FR/Classification/crthall.php (consult? le 07 mars 2010).

{9} Leblanc J.-C. (?d.), Etude Calipso, op. cit.

{10} Ibid.

{11} CIRC, Evaluation globale de la canc?rog?nicit? pour l’Homme, 2009. Disponible sur: http://monographs.iarc.fr/FR/Classification/crthall.php (consult? le 29 mars 2010).

{12} Leblanc J.-C. (?d.), Etude Calipso, op. cit.

{13} Ibid.

{14} OMS, Les Dioxines et leurs effets sur la sant?, 2007. Disponible sur: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs225/fr/index.html (consult? le 08 mars 2010).

{15} Kaushik S., «Les dioxines et les PCB chez le poisson», Dossier de l’environnement de l’INRA, n° 26, p. 102–107.

{16} OMS, Les Dioxines et leurs effets sur la sant?, op. cit.

{17} EFSA, Avis du groupe scientifique sur les contaminants de la cha?ne alimentaire relative ? l’?valuation de la s?curit? du poisson sauvage et d’?levage, 2005. Disponible sur: http://www.efsa.europa.eu/EFSA/efsa_lo cale-1178620753816_1178620762697.htm (consult? le 08 mars 2010).

{18} AFSSA, Avis de l’Agence fran?aise de s?curit? sanitaire des aliments relatif ? l’?tablissement de teneurs maximales pertinentes en polychlorobiph?nyles qui ne sont pas de type dioxine (PCB «non dioxin-like», PCB-NDL) dans divers aliments, 2007, saisine n° 2006-SA-0305.

{19} Lyon S., PCB Pollution in Alabama. Disponible sur: http://www. commonweal.org/programs/brc/ppt-presentations/Anniston_AL_PCB. pdf (consult? le 29 mars 2010).

{20} Ribeira D., Loock T., Soler P., Narbonne J.-F., «Mise en ?vidence d’effets ? long terme lors d’expositions courtes (accidentelles). Perspectives m?thodologiques pour les ?valuations des risques», Etude Record, 2006–2007, n° 06 – 0665/1A.

{21} Centre international de recherche sur le cancer, Evaluations globales de la canc?rog?nicit? pour l’homme, op. cit.

{22} Howsam M., Grimalt J. O., Guino E., Navarro M., Marti-Ragu?J., Peinado M. A., Capell? G., Moreno V., «Organochlorine exposure and colorectal cancer risk», Environ Health Perspect., 2004, 112 (15), p. 1460–1466.

{23} Hordell L., Calberg M., Hardell K., Bjornfoth H., Wickbom G., Ionescu M., «Decreased survival in pancreatic cancer patients with high concentrations of organochlorines in adipose tissue», Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2007, 61 (10), p. 659–664.

{24} ASEF-WWF, Impr?gnation aux PCB des riverains du Rh?ne, mai 2008. Disponible sur: http://www.asef-asso.fr/index.php?option=com_ content &view = article & id = 10: letude & catid = 4: etude-sur-les-pcb & Itemid = 56 (consult? le 08 mars 2010).

{25} Leblanc J.-C. (?d.), Etude Calipso, op. cit.

{26} AFSSA, «Le poisson sous haute surveillance», ? propos. Le magazine d’information de l’Agence fran?aise de s?curit? sanitaire des aliments, 2008, 23, p. 2–6. Disponible sur: http://www.afssa.fr/Documents/APR-mg-aPropos23.pdf (consult? le 08 mars 2010).

{27} Ibid.

{28} Leblanc J.-C. (?d.), Etude Calipso, op. cit.

{29} Ibid.

{30} AFSSA, Consommation de poisson et m?thylmercure, communiqu? de presse du 25 juillet 2006. Disponible sur: http://www.afssa.fr/ Documents/PRES2006CP013.pdf (consult? le 8 mars 2010).

{31} Hites R. A., Foran J. A., Carpenter D. O., Hamilton C. M., Knuth B. A., Schwager S. J., «Global assessment of organic contaminants in farmed salmon», Science, 2004, 303 (5655), p. 226–229.

{32} AFSSA, communiqu? de presse de L’AFSSA suite ? la publication d’une ?tude sur L’Analyse globale des contaminants chimiques dans le saumon d’?levage, 9 janvier 2004. Disponible sur: http://agriculture.gouv. fr/sections/presse/communiques/communique-de-presse-de-l-afssa-suite-a-la-publication-d-une-etude-sur-l-analyse-globale-des-contaminants-chimiques-dans-le (consult? le 8 mars 2010).

{33} WHO, PCBs and Dioxins in Salmon. Organochlorine Contamination of Salmon, 2004. Disponible sur: http://www.who.int/foodsafety/chem/ pcbsal-mon/en/print.html (consult? le 8 mars 2010).

{34} EFSA, Avis du groupe scientifique sur les contaminants de la cha?ne alimentaire, op. cit.

{35} Kaushik S., «Les dioxines et les PCB chez le poisson», op. cit.

{36} AFSSA, «Le poisson sous haute surveillance», op. cit.

{37} Leblanc J.-C. (?d.), Etude Calipso, op. cit.

Глава 4

Мясо: хватит его демонизировать

{1} CIV, Niveau de consommation de viande en France. Disponible sur: http://www.civ-viande.org/4—139-nutrition-niveau-de-consommation-de-viande-en-france.html (consult? le 20 mars 2010).

{2} World Cancer Research Fund, Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective, op. cit.

{3} Ibid.

{4} Ibid.

{5} Willett W. C., Stampfer M. J., Colditz G. A., Rosner B. A., Speizer F. E., «Relation of meat, fat, and fiber intake to the risk of colon cancer in a prospective Study among women», N. Engl. J. Med, 1990, 323 (24), p. 1664–1672.

{6} Wei E. K., Giovannucci E., Wu K., Rosner B., Fuchs C. S., Willett W. C., Colditz G. A., «Comparison of risk factors for colon and rectal cancer», Int. J. Cancer, 2004, 108 (3), p. 433–442.

{7} Ibid.

{8} Goldbohm R. A., Van den Brandt P. A., Van’t Veer P., Brants H. A., Dorant E., Sturmans F., Hermus R. J., «A prospective cohort Study on the relation between meat consumption and the risk of colon cancer», Cancer Res, 1994, 54 (3), p. 718–723.

{9} Knekt P., Steineck G., Jarvinen R., Hakulinen T., Aromaa A., «Intake of fried meat and risk of cancer: A follow-up Study in Finland», Int. J. Cancer, 1994, 59 (6), p. 756–760.

{10} Gaard M., Tretli S., Loken E. B., «Dietary factors and risk of colon cancer: A prospective Study of 50,535 young Norwegian men and women», Eur. J. Cancer Prev., 1996, 5 (6), p. 445–454.

{11} Norat T., Bingham S., Ferrari P., Slimani N., Jenab M., Mazuir M., Overvad K., Olsen A., Tjonneland A., Clavel F., Boutron-Ruault M. C., Kesse E., Boeing H., Bergmann M. M., Nieters A., Linseisen J., Trichopoulou A., Trichopoulos D., Tountas Y., Berrino F., Palli D., Panico S., Tumino R., Vineis P., Bueno-de-Mesquita H. B., Peeters P. H., Engeset D., Lund E., Skeie G., Ardanaz E., Gonzalez C., Navarro C., Quiros J. R., Sanchez M. J., Berglund G., Mattisson I., Hallmans G., Palmqvist R., Day N. E., Khaw K. T., Key T. J., San Joaquin M., H?mon B., Saracci R., Kaaks R., Riboli E., «Meat, fish, and colorectal cancer risk: The European Prospective Investigation into cancer and nutrition», J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 2005, 97 (12), p. 906–916.

{12} Truswell A. S., «Meat consumption and cancer of the large bowel», Eur. J. Clin. Nutr., 2002, 56, suppl. 1, p. 19–24.

{13} Larsson S. C., Wolk A., «Meat consumption and risk of colorectal cancer: A meta-analysis of prospective studies», Int. J. Cancer, 2006, 119 (11), p. 2657–2664.

{14} Ibid.

{15} Ibid.

{16} Gaard M., Tretli S., Loken E. B., «Dietary factors and risk of colon cancer: A prospective Study of 50,535 young Norwegian men and women», op. cit.

{17} AFSSA, «Table CIQUAL 2008», Composition nutritionnelle des aliments. Disponible sur: http://www.afssa.fr/TableCIQUAL/(consult? le 20 mars 2010).

{18} USDA, National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. Disponible sur: http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/search/ (consult? le 20 mars 2010).

{19} AFSSA, «Table CIQUAL 2008», op. cit.

{20} USDA, National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, op. cit.

{21} CIV, Niveau de consommation de viande en France, op. cit.

{22} USDA, Profiling Food Consumption in America, 2002. Disponible sur: http://www.usda.gov/factbook/chapter2.htm (consult? le 20 mars 2010).

{23} AFSSA, «Table CIQUAL 2008», op. cit.

{24} USDA, National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, op. cit.

{25} AFSSA, Etude individuelle nationale des consommations alimentaires 2 (INCA 2) 2006–2007, 2009. Disponible sur: http://www.afssa.fr/ Documents/PASER-Ra-INCA2.pdf (consult? le 15 mars 2010).

{26} USDA, USDA Economis Research Service. Disponible sur: http:// www.ers.usda.gov/Browse/view.aspx?subject=AnimalProducts (consult? le 29 mars 2010).

{27} CIV, Niveau de consommation de viande en France, op. cit.

{28} Cross A. J., Pollock J. R. A., Bingham S. A., «Haem, not protein or inorganic iron, is responsible for endogenous intestinal N-nitrosation arising from red meat», Cancer Research, 2003, 63, p. 2358–2360.

{29} Nelson R. L., «Iron and colorectal cancer risk: Human studies», Nutr. Rev., 2001, 59 (5), p. 140–148.

{30} Vano Y.-A., Rodrigues M.-J., Schneider S.-M., «Lien ?pid?miologique entre comportement alimentaire et cancer: exemple du cancer colorectal», Bulletin du cancer, 2009, 96 (6), p. 647–658.

{31} Lipkin M., «Biomarkers of increased susceptibility to gastrointestinal cancer: New application to studies of cancer prevention in human subjects», Cancer Res., 1988, 48 (2), p. 235–245.

{32} Sesink A. L., Termont D. S., Kleibeuker J. H., Van der Meer R., «Red meat and colon cancer: The cytotoxic and hyperproliferative effects of dietary heme», Cancer Res., 1999, 59 (22), p. 5704–5709.

{33} Sesink A. L., Termont D. S., Kleibeuker J. H., Van der Meer R., «Red meat and colon cancer: Dietary haem-induced colonic cytotoxicity and epithelial hyperproliferation are inhibited by calcium», Carcinogenesis, 2001, 22 (10), p. 1653–1659.

{34} Larsson S. C., Wolk A., «Meat consumption and risk of colorectal cancer: A meta-analysis of prospective studies», op. cit.

{35} World Cancer research Fund, Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective, op. cit.

{36} Ibid.

Глава 5

Молочные продукты и яйца: применимы ли они для профилактики?

{1} Wollowski I., Rechkemmer G., Pool-Zobel B. L., «Protective role of probiotics and prebiotics in colon cancer», Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 2001, 73 (2), suppl., p. 451S—455S.

{2} Lomer M. C., Parkes G. C., Sanderson J. D., «Review article: Lactose intolerance in clinical practice – myths and realities», Aliment Pharmacol. Ther., 2008, 27, p. 93—103.

{3} Liong M. T., «Roles of probiotics and prebiotics in colon cancer prevention: Postulated mechanisms and in vivo evidence», Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2008, 9 (5), p. 854–863.

{4} Ibid.

{5} Wollowski I., Rechkemmer G., Pool-Zobel B. L., «Protective role of probiotics and prebiotics in colon cancer», op. cit.

{6} Ibid.

{7} Ibid.

{8} Lomer M. C., Parkes G. C., Sanderson J. D., «Review article: Lactose intolerance in clinical practice – myths and realities», op. cit.

{9} Lomer M. C., Parkes G. C., Sanderson J. D., «Review article: Lactose intolerance in clinical practice – myths and realities», op. cit.

{10} Teneur en lactose de diff?rents aliments. Disponible sur: http://www. sans-lactose.com/pg, teneur-en-lactose-de-differents-aliments, teneur, 0,1. jsp (consult? le 29 mars 2010).

{11} Ibid.

{12} Swagerty D. L. Jr, Walling A. D., Klein R. M., «Lactose intolerance», Am. Fam. Physician, 2002, 65 (9), p. 1845–1850.

{13} Ibid.

{14} Torniainen S., Hedelin M., Autio V., Rasinper? H., B?lter K. A., Klint A., Bellocco R., Wiklund F., Stattin P., Ikonen T., Tammela T. L., Schleutker J., Gronberg H., J?rvel? I., «Lactase persistence, dietary intake of milk, and the risk for prostate cancer in Sweden and Finland», Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev., 2007, 16 (5), p. 956–961.

{15} Chan J. M., Jou R. M., Caroll P. R., «The relative impact and future burden of prostate cancer in the United States», J. Urol., 2004, 172, p. S13—16; discussion S17.

{16} Ahn J., Albanes D., Peters U., Schatzkin A., Lim U., Freedman M., Chatterjee N., Andriole G. L., Leitzmann M. F., Hayes R. B., «Dairy products, calcium intake, and risk of prostate cancer in the prostate, lung, colorectal, and ovarian cancer screening trial», Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev, 2007, 16 (12), p. 2623–2630.

{17} AFSSA, «Table CIQUAL 2008», op. cit.

{18} Kesse E., Boutron-Ruault M. C., Norat T., Riboli E., Clavel-Chapelon F., «Dietary calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, dairy products and the risk of colorectal adenoma and cancer among French women of the E3N-EPIC prospective Study», Int. J. Cancer, 2005, 117 (1), p. 137–144.

{19} Huncharek M., Muscat J., Kupelnick B., «Colorectal cancer risk and dietary intake of calcium, vitamin D, and dairy products: A meta-analysis of 26,335 cases from 60 observational studies», Nutr. Cancer, 2009, 61 (1), p. 47–69.

{20} Szilagyi A., Nathwani U., Vinokuroff C., Correa J. A., Shrier I., «Evaluation of relationships among national colorectal cancer mortality rates, genetic lactase non-persistence status, and per capita yearly milk and milk product consumption», Nutrition and Cancer, 2006, 55 (2), p. 151–156.

{21} Wollowski I., Rechkemmer G., Pool-Zobel B. L., «Protective role of probiotics and prebiotics in colon cancer», op. cit.

{22} World Cancer research Fund, Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective, op. cit.

Глава 6

Фрукты и овощи полезны, но уверенности в этом нет

{1} PNNS, Fruits et l?gumes. Au moins 5 par jour. Disponible sur: http://www.mangerbouger.fr/menu-secondaire/manger-mieux-c-est-possible/les-9-reperes-essentiels/fruits-et-legumes-au-moins-5-par-jour. html (consult? le 19 mars 2010).

{2} World Cancer research Fund, Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective, op. cit.

{3} Leverve W., Stress oxydant et antioxydants, 49e JAND, 2009. Disponible sur: http://www.jand.fr/opencms/export/sites/jand/data/ documents/Xavier_LEVERVE. pdf (consult? le 23 mars 2010).

{4} Fernandez-Panchon M. S., Villano D., Troncoso A. M., Garcia-Parrilla M. C., «Antioxidant activity of phenolic compounds: from in vitro results to in vivo evidence», Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr., 2008, 48 (7), p. 649–671.

{5} Roussel A. M., Qui manque d’antioxydants et comment le savoir? 49e JAND, 2009. Disponible sur: http://www.jand.fr/opencms/export/ sites/jand/data/documents/ROUSSEL.pdf (consult? le 23 mars 2010).

{6} EUFIC, La Couleur des fruits et l?gumes et la sant?. Disponible sur: http://www.eufic.org/article/fr/rid/la-coleur-des-fruits-legumes-et-sante (consult? le 20 mars 2010).

{7} Ibid.

{8} World Cancer Research Fund, Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective, op. cit.

{9} EUFIC, La Couleur des fruits et l?gumes et la sant?, op. cit.

{10} Aprifel, Fiche par produit. Chou-vert. Disponible sur: http://www. aprifel.com/fiches, produits.php? p = 94 (consult? le 25 mars 2010).

{11} EUFIC, La Couleur des fruits et l?gumes et la sant?, op. cit.

{12} Larsson S. C., Hakansson N., Naslund I., Bergkvist L., Wolk A., «Fruit and vegetable consumption in relation to pancreatic cancer risk: A prospective study», Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev., 2006, 15 (2), p. 301–305.

{13} EUFIC, La Couleur des fruits et l?gumes et la sant?, op. cit.

{14} Oaks B. M., Dodd K. W., Meinhold C. L., Jiao L., Church T. R., Stolzenberg-Solomon R. Z., «Folate intake, post-folic acid grain fortification, and pancreatic cancer risk in the prostate, lung, colorectal, and ovarian cancer screening trial», Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 2010, 91 (2), p. 449–455.

{15} Balder H. F., Vogel J., Jansen M. C., Weijenberg M. P., Van den Brandt P. A., Westenbrink S., Van der Meer R., Goldbohm R. A., «Heme and chlorophyll intake and risk of colorectal cancer in the Netherlands cohort study», Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev, 2006, 15 (4), p. 717–725.

{16} Vogel J. de, Jonker-Termont D. S., Van Lieshout E. M., Katan M. B., Van der Meer R., «Green vegetables, red meat and colon cancer: Chlorophyll prevents the cytotoxic and hyperproliferative effects of haem in rat colon», Carcinogenesis, 2005, 26 (2), p. 387–393.

{17} Daswood R. H., «Chlorophylls as anticarcinogens», International Journal of Oncology, 1997, 10 (4), p. 721–727.

{18} EUFIC, La Couleur des fruits et l?gumes et la sant?, op. cit.

{19} Ibid.

{20} World Cancer Research Fund, Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective, op. cit.

{21} Ibid.

{22} Abu J., Batuwangala M., Herbert K., Symonds P., «Retinoic acid and retinoid receptors: potential chemopreventive and therapeutic role in cervical cancer», Lancet Oncol., 2005, 6 (9), p. 712–720.

{23} EUFIC, La Couleur des fruits et l?gumes et la sant?, op. cit.

{24} Ibid.

{25} World Cancer Research Fund, Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective, op. cit.

{26} EUFIC, La Couleur des fruits et l?gumes et la sant?, op. cit.

{27} Ibid.

{28} World Cancer Research Fund, Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective, op. cit.

{29} Ibid.

{30} Ibid.

{31} EUFIC, La Couleur des fruits et l?gumes et la sant?, op. cit.

{32} Seeram N.P., Adams L. S., Zhang Y., Lee R., Sand D., Scheuller H. S., Heber D., «Blackberry, black raspberry, blueberry, cranberry, red raspberry, and strawberry extracts inhibit growth and stimulate apoptosis of human cancer cells in vitro», J. Agric. Food Chem., 2006, 54 (25), p. 9329–9339.

{33} Mittal A., Elmets C. A., Katiyar S. K., «Dietary feeding of proanthocyanidins from grape seeds prevents photocarcinogenesis in SKH-1 hairless mice: Relationship to decreased fat and lipid peroxidation», Carcinogenesis, 2003, 24 (8), p. 1379–1388.

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Глава 7

Жиры и способы кулинарной обработки продуктов

{1} Shields P. G., Xu G. X., Blot W. J., Fraumeni J. F. Jr, Trivers G. E., Pellizzari E. D., Qu Y. H., Gao Y. T., Harris C. C., «Mutagens from heated Chinese and US cooking oils», J. Natl. Cancer. Inst., 1995, 87 (11), p. 836–841.

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{17} Shields P. G., Xu G. X., Blot W. J., Fraumeni J. F. Jr, Trivers G. E., Pellizzari E. D., Qu Y. H., Gao Y. T., Harris C. C., «Mutagens from heated Chinese and US cooking oils», J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 1995, 87 (11), p. 836–841.

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{21} Lin S. Y., Tsai S. J., Wang L. H., Wu M. F., Lee H., «Protection by quercetin against cooking oil fumes-induced DNA damage in human lung adenocarcinoma CL-3 cells: Role of COX-2», Nutr. Cancer, 2002, 44 (1), p. 95—101.

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Глава 8

Сахар и сладости: не отказывайтесь от них полностью!

{1} N’Diaye C. (sld), La Gourmandise. D?lices d’un p?ch?, Paris, Autrement, «Mutations/Mangeurs», n° 140, 1993.

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{20} AFSSA, Avis de l’Agence fran?aise de s?curit? sanitaire des aliments relatif ? une autorisation provisoire, pour une dur?e de deux ans, d’emploi de st?viol, extraits de Stevia rebaudiana, en tant qu’?dulcorant en alimentation humaine dans le cadre de l’article 5 de la directive 89/107/ CEE, 2007. Disponible sur: http://www.afssa.fr/Documents/ AAAT2006sa0231.pdf (consult? le 25 mars 2010).

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Глава 9

Что известно про напитки?

{1} CNRS, D?couvrir l’eau. L’eau dans l’organisme. Disponible sur: http://www.cnrs.fr/cw/dossiers/doseau/decouv/usages/eauOrga.html (consult? le 17 mars 2010).

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